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September President's Message

Published on 9/5/2024
Dear AZNIGP Members,

As the cooler weather of fall approaches, I hope you're feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting months of football and playoff baseball that are upon us!  Apart from sports, this season is also the perfect time to get out, strengthen our connections, expand our networks, and enhance our professional skills.  I encourage you to take advantage of upcoming networking events and Regional Conference to gain new insights, best practices, and innovative ideas. 

Upcoming Events:

The Young/New Professionals/Student Committee is holding a fun night out at Dave & Busters on September 16th.  Please RSVP to the committee chair Joyann at

Registration is still open to AZNIGP September Chapter Training Meeting scheduled for September 17th.  

Nominations and applications for Vice President and Treasurer are due to the elections chair, Susan Holt at by September 17, 2024 at 1:00 pm.

Registration is still open to AZNIGP 35th Annual Regional Conference & Vendor Expo scheduled for October 17, 2024 at the Mesa Convention Center.

I want to thank everyone who attended Career Seminar II last month.  Your presence, thoughtfulness and excitement made our in-person training event a huge success.  I want to extend my gratitude to everyone involved in helping with Career Seminar II, especially our generous sponsor, 1GPA.  From all the veterans who show up time after time to the newbies who are getting their feet wet, thank you!  Your presence, commitment and professionalism ensured that everything ran smoothly, everyone enjoyed themselves and allowed for a seamless learning experience for all members in attendance.

Final reminder, we will be filling positions of Vice President and Treasurer for 2025.  Please consider running. It is an extremely rewarding experience and the knowledge you’ll gain is invaluable. If you are considering running and have any questions, please call or email me.  

Looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming events!

Warm regards,

Haydee Nora, MPA, CPPO
AZNIGP 2024 President

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