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These are the committees defined within Arizona State Capitol Chapter of NIGP. Click the view members link or the committee name to see a list of committee members. If visible for a committee, click the More info to view additional information about the committee. If there are subcommittees, a list of subcommittees will be displayed. Click on the name of the subcommittee to view the members.
The committee's primary responsibilities are to plan, establish, and execute the organization's financial investments; prepare and present the organization's annual report and financial analysis, and review the committee budget proposals for the year.
Annually review the procedures and criteria used in selecting recipients of the Chapter and NIGP awards. Develop implementation strategies for aware eligibility. Collects data to meet criteria for points. Serves on Programs/Webinar committee. Prepares professional presentation documentation and application to NIGP National for consideration in May.
Research recommended community services/charities and present findings to membership. Coordinate chosen community services. Collect and arrange for delivery to appropriate charity of all donations. Coordinate all Chapter sponsored fund raisers and volunteer events. Examples: toy drives, food drives, charity events, Pat's run.
To address the need to make the membership aware of the various issues surrounding cooperative purchasing and how to balance the benefits with local purchasing initiatives. The committee's primary responsibilities are to create best practices for cooperative purchasing and heighten the awareness of cooperative purchasing efforts. The primary responsibility of the Cooperative Committee Chair is to facilitate discussions and best practice decisions effecting cooperative purchasing and local spend.
The committee's primary responsibilities are to plan, establish and coordinate educational programs, subject to approval by the Executive Board, which furthers the knowledge, expertise, and professionalism of the membership. Responsibilities include organizing workshops and seminars to encourage and support certification of the Chapter Members.
Advises the President and officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure. Assists with procedures during meetings. Robert's Rules of Order is the authority used in this role. Serves ad a policies manual task force leader. Task force leader is needed to facilitate the process for changes to the Chapter policies manual, and create and revise by-laws.
Retain and be custodian of all permanent records and other official documents of the Chapter. Identify, safeguard, dispose and /or destruct documents per Chapter's Records Retention policy. Advise officers and/or committee chairs of proper disposal or destruction procedure for documents, review these documents as necessary prior to disposal or destruction. Provide input to the President at Board Meetings.
This committee shall be responsible for reviewing proposed local and State legislation and regulations or policies that may have an impact on public procurement. Research proposed bills by either the House or Senate to identify any of those that affect the purchasing or contracting functions of membership. Once bills are identified, monitor the progress of these bills and keep membership informed through appropriate channels such as website, newsletters, emails, etc. Research and provide updates on new litigation that is relative to membership and the purchasing & contract professions.
The committee's primary responsibilities are to organize an effective recruiting program; to prepare materials for distribution to potential members or to help familiarize them with the organization; and to work with the President on membership issues. The Committee shall be responsible for collecting, certifying and recording membership applications, sending out new membership packets, and sending out delinquent notices where necessary. The Membership Committee Chair is expected to attend monthly board meetings and to prepare an annual membership list of members in good standing available to the President prior to the Chapter's annual meeting.
Administration of the Mentorship program. Coordinate with prospective mentors and mentees, to include matching mentors and mentees, monitoring progress, and reporting on same to the Chapter. Maintain communication with mentors to ensure they are doing mentor duties. Maintain communication with mentees to ensure they are receiving the assistance needed. Provide advice, support and knowledge regarding NIGP, certification, classes, etc. and help set goals. Work with Membership chair to track new Chapter members. Maintains subject matter expert listing.
This committee is responsible for the drafting and presentation of the Chapter newsletter, The Purchasing Exchange. Committee shall solicit and gather newsletter articles and ideas from the AZNIGP membership. Provide final newsletter to website committee for posting on the website and email distribution to members. Newsletter shall be published on a quarterly basis.
Committee shall consider and evaluate recommendations from the membership regarding potential candidates for all open officer positions. Submit names of eligible nominees to the President or Election chairperson and advertise to membership, elections, procedures for voting and results. Facilitate the voting process in accordance with written Chapter procedures.
Chapter provides digital camera and pictures are taken before, during and after all AZNIGP functions to document chapter activities. Pictures are downloaded, edited and posted to the website. Provide electronic copy of pictures as requested by Chapter members.
Coordinate 50/50 cash drawings and raffle prize drawings at Chapter luncheons, meetings, seminars, and Regional Conference. Purchase gift cards and prizes as needed for such events. Committee is responsible for maintaining raffle tickets and other needed items as necessary to conduct drawings.
The committee's primary responsibility is to plan, develop, coordinate and facilitate (site arrangement) information programs, which are educational in nature, for the membership. Responsibilities include arrangement for guest speakers at Chapter luncheons and seminars and make arrangements for audio-visual aids, panels, and/or other appropriate methods to achieve desired objectives.
Work with other committee members to organize and plan the annual Regional Conference and Vendor Expo. Develop educational workshops, coordinate a vendor product show, establish location, etc
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This is an event that allows businesses the opportunity to meet with procurement professionals from public agencies at one time in one location. The procurement professional (buyer, procurement officer) are in booths while businesses roam free through the event hall, meeting with agency representatives and marketing their company's products and services. Committee plans and coordinates the annual Chapter Reverse Vendor Trade Show including facilities, program, promotion, educational opportunities and registration
This committee shall be responsible for the development and administration of procedures, criteria, and final selection of recipients for the following annual association awards, as may be applicable, which may include a Buyer of the Year Award, a Manager of the Year Award and any scholarship awards offered by the Chapter.
Coordinate complete overhaul of Strategic Plan every 5 calendar years. On off years, revisit the Strategic Plan for minor updates and changes. Enables effective Chapter leadership by establishing priorities, goals and developing action plans for implementing the means and methods of fulfilling the Chapter priorities and goals.
The committee's primary responsbilities are to keep the membership abreast of current information, to undertake public information on behalf of the organization, and to implement communication actions authorized by the Executive Board. This committee includes the Webmaster. Duties includes updates and changes to the website, email blasts, posting of newsletter, job opportunities, meeting and event set-up, social media and all other communications.
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Develop strategies to increase recruitment, volunteer involvement, and annual meetings attendance among young purchasing professionals and college students. Provide programs, activities and educational opportunities to address young professional needs. Promote professional socialization of young professionals. To identify and address the interests, needs, and concerns of young purchasing professionals and to facilitate communication to and from members of that group. To advise the Board of Directors on interests, needs and concerns specific and relevant to young purchasing profesionals.
Nonminations Committee

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